I'm not one of those people who hide anything. I wear my heart on my sleeve all the time - and from my last post you'll know what I'm talking bout. But as it turns out - it's not going to work. I eagerly and bullishly went after something that I wanted - I gave it my everything because it's what I thought I needed, but the world (and my heart) have other plans.
You see, you can't make your heart feel something that it won't - you can try and try - but at the end of the day - our heart knows the truth. It's our heart, not our head, that guides us.
You see, I could listen to my head - and be "happy" and "content" with what life I could have created, but I did that once before. I stayed in a relationship with someone even though my heart was pounding out of my chest like the running of the bulls festival in Spain - I stayed because my head told me he was everything I had ever wanted - a beautiful home, a beautiful family, a life that others envied, beautiful gifts, dinner on the table, wine in the wine rack and someone who I could have an intelligent and wonderful conversation with - but my heart knew that he wasn't faithful, that he was a liar and that every time he opened his mouth it was surely a lie.
I learnt my lesson. Be true to what YOUR HEART tells you. If your HEART tells you to up and move interstate then listen, but if your head says - move interstate because you won't find love anywhere else - then this is where you need to cause an argument with your brain! Because truth is, love will find you when it's ready to find you. And it will be perfect. Sure, there'll certainly be challenges, but challenges that you'll want to face up to. You'll want to make the effort - because your heart will know that it's worth it.
That's it for today. So remember - listen to you heart.
D x
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