Saturday, February 26, 2011

Slack, that's the only word for it.

I made a commitment. A commitment to myself that I was going to blog about my life, but it wasn't about the blog. It was about doing what I wanted to do and the blog was a way to keep me on track.

So far, no blog. And yep, not doing what I wanted to do. It's nearly March 2011 and so far I haven't gotten of my bum to do anything other than what I was doing already.

Ok, I did go to one Bikram Yoga class, but that nearly killed me and since then I've forgotten about my promise. The promise I made to myself to do something with my life. Not egotistically, but I'm a pretty great guy with a whole bunch of potential and I'm just living my life day in and day out without a purpose.

Time to do something about it....