Tuesday, November 29, 2011

There's a bit of crazy inside all of us...

Haven't written in a while. Let's see what comes out...there's a bit going on in my head...but mostly consumed by just one thing...LOVE. 

You see, it's a funny thing. You see it in the movies a lot - and everything always works out for the people you want it to work out for. You see the girl who just won't give up on the guy, and the guy who thinks the girl is crazy for chasing him down and turning up on the doorstep (and sending flowers on valentines day)... and perhaps she is crazy, but perhaps she "just knows"...

There's a lot to be said about that internal feeling you get when you "just know". Like somehow you just know that jumping out of a plane might be a bad idea - you get that feeling - but you still jump....because you know the parachute will open and you'll be on the ground in 1min and 22secs. It's that safety net that we all want and sometimes without it we don't do what we really want...

So what does all this have to do with me? Well, there's a boy. And we met just over a year ago now and somehow, in the short time we were together, something happened. There was a definite emotional connection. A feeling of "just knowing". But, in tis crazy world it didn't work out - it was just bad timing it seems. And a year on, I still have that same feeling I had when I first saw him. That gut wrenching feeling that takes over all emotion - that says, you're crazy for feeling this way but feel it anyway...

So my question - if you haven't seen anyone for a year, can you still have feelings for them? And can you "just know" that they are meant to be with you? 

There's this Bob Dylan song (recently covered by Adele) that sums this up really well - Make you Feel My Love...and this verse is it in a heart beat - 

I know you
Haven't made
Your mind up yet
But I would never
Do you wrong
I've known it
From the moment
That we met
No doubt in my mind
Where you belong

So, there it is. I'm crazy. I know. I get that. But if there isn't a little crazy inside all of us - then how boring life would be...