Motivation is a funny thing. Sometimes you have and sometimes you don't.
Today, I don't have motivation. I slept in until 1pm - rare occurrence. I'm still in my pyjama's. I only had toast for breakfast and a cup of black tea (the tea was black because I couldn't find the motivation to go out and get milk!). And on top of all this, I'm just sitting in the kitchen doing nothing.
Why is it that some days you wake up and you're ready to face the world with all it's challenges and obstacles, and other days you just can't be arsed? My guess is that it is all a big balancing act. I have a girlfriend of mine who must be the most motivated person in the world. She always has a list going, something to clean, someone to see, some meal to cook, some clothes to iron, some cleaning to do, some movie to watch, a book to read, a pair of shoes to buy...anyway, you get the idea. She NEVER stops and she is so motivated to do it all!
But I wonder, does she every just stop and sit around all day in her PJ's doing nothing? I actually don't think she does....she's missing out on a lot I think!
But in the spirit of this blog, I'm going to be motivated today! I've decided to do some baking! I'm going to bake Nigella Lawson's Totally Chocolate Chocolate Chip Cookies! I haven't baked in a long time and I miss it. I used to bake all the time. So, look out Coles, here I come! And look out body, here come the Totally Chocolate Chocolate Chip Cookies!
So, in answer to my question - how to be motivated? Well, you just get motivated. You get up of the chair, shower and go to Coles. It's that simple.
As for other impossible pursuits...lets leave that for another day.
D xx