Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Well as it turns out, sometimes you don't always know...

You see, when you think you know something your mind can get away from you. It can go of on these wonderful and amazing tangents that confuse your heart - it gets carried away sometimes. 

I'm not one of those people who hide anything. I wear my heart on my sleeve all the time - and from my last post you'll know what I'm talking bout. But as it turns out - it's not going to work. I eagerly and bullishly went after something that I wanted - I gave it my everything because it's what I thought I needed, but the world (and my heart) have other plans. 

You see, you can't make your heart feel something that it won't - you can try and try - but at the end of the day - our heart knows the truth. It's our heart, not our head, that guides us. 

You see, I could listen to my head - and be "happy" and "content" with what life I could have created, but I did that once before. I stayed in a relationship with someone even though my heart was pounding out of my chest like the running of the bulls festival in Spain - I stayed because my head told me he was everything I had ever wanted - a beautiful home, a beautiful family, a life that others envied, beautiful gifts, dinner on the table, wine in the wine rack and someone who I could have an intelligent and wonderful conversation with - but my heart knew that he wasn't faithful, that he was a liar and that every time he opened his mouth it was surely a lie. 

I learnt my lesson. Be true to what YOUR HEART tells you. If your HEART tells you to up and move interstate then listen, but if your head says - move interstate because you won't find love anywhere else - then this is where you need to cause an argument with your brain! Because truth is, love will find you when it's ready to find you. And it will be perfect. Sure, there'll certainly be challenges, but challenges that you'll want to face up to. You'll want to make the effort - because your heart will know that it's worth it. 

That's it for today. So remember - listen to you heart.  

D x

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

There's a bit of crazy inside all of us...

Haven't written in a while. Let's see what comes out...there's a bit going on in my head...but mostly consumed by just one thing...LOVE. 

You see, it's a funny thing. You see it in the movies a lot - and everything always works out for the people you want it to work out for. You see the girl who just won't give up on the guy, and the guy who thinks the girl is crazy for chasing him down and turning up on the doorstep (and sending flowers on valentines day)... and perhaps she is crazy, but perhaps she "just knows"...

There's a lot to be said about that internal feeling you get when you "just know". Like somehow you just know that jumping out of a plane might be a bad idea - you get that feeling - but you still jump....because you know the parachute will open and you'll be on the ground in 1min and 22secs. It's that safety net that we all want and sometimes without it we don't do what we really want...

So what does all this have to do with me? Well, there's a boy. And we met just over a year ago now and somehow, in the short time we were together, something happened. There was a definite emotional connection. A feeling of "just knowing". But, in tis crazy world it didn't work out - it was just bad timing it seems. And a year on, I still have that same feeling I had when I first saw him. That gut wrenching feeling that takes over all emotion - that says, you're crazy for feeling this way but feel it anyway...

So my question - if you haven't seen anyone for a year, can you still have feelings for them? And can you "just know" that they are meant to be with you? 

There's this Bob Dylan song (recently covered by Adele) that sums this up really well - Make you Feel My Love...and this verse is it in a heart beat - 

I know you
Haven't made
Your mind up yet
But I would never
Do you wrong
I've known it
From the moment
That we met
No doubt in my mind
Where you belong

So, there it is. I'm crazy. I know. I get that. But if there isn't a little crazy inside all of us - then how boring life would be...

Sunday, August 21, 2011

i did get motivated...

Just a quick little update. I got motivated. I had a shower, got dressed and went to Coles.

Came home, baked cookies. They're amazing! Thanks to Nigella - http://www.nigella.com/recipes/view/totally-chocolate-chocolate-chip-cookies-29

So, it really is that easy to be motivated. You just actually have to get up and do something. Anything. It actually doesn't matter what it is. You could be motivated to make your bed, but if you do it then you've won! (Just so you know, I love a made bed! I try and make my bed every day!)

But that's off topic. I just wanted to say, that if you're feeling unmotivated - bake some cookies. It helps! 

D xx

Saturday, August 20, 2011

how to be motivated...and other impossible pursuits...

Motivation is a funny thing. Sometimes you have and sometimes you don't.

Today, I don't have motivation. I slept in until 1pm - rare occurrence. I'm still in my pyjama's. I only had toast for breakfast and a cup of black tea (the tea was black because I couldn't find the motivation to go out and get milk!). And on top of all this, I'm just sitting in the kitchen doing nothing.

Why is it that some days you wake up and you're ready to face the world with all it's challenges and obstacles, and other days you just can't be arsed? My guess is that it is all a big balancing act. I have a girlfriend of mine who must be the most motivated person in the world. She always has a list going, something to clean, someone to see, some meal to cook, some clothes to iron, some cleaning to do, some movie to watch, a book to read, a pair of shoes to buy...anyway, you get the idea. She NEVER stops and she is so motivated to do it all!

But I wonder, does she every just stop and sit around all day in her PJ's doing nothing? I actually don't think she does....she's missing out on a lot I think!

But in the spirit of this blog, I'm going to be motivated today! I've decided to do some baking! I'm going to bake Nigella Lawson's Totally Chocolate Chocolate Chip Cookies! I haven't baked in a long time and I miss it. I used to bake all the time. So, look out Coles, here I come! And look out body, here come the Totally Chocolate Chocolate Chip Cookies!


So, in answer to my question - how to be motivated? Well, you just get motivated. You get up of the chair, shower and go to Coles. It's that simple.

As for other impossible pursuits...lets leave that for another day.

D xx

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

People who you haven't seen for years...

Moving back to the Gold Coast certainly was a hard decision. You see, when you live in Melbourne you get spoilt for choice - and on top of the choice, you can actually eat dinner after 6.30 at night - I know this is a foreign concept for Queenslanders...

There is so much food. So much so that in the first 12months of living in Melbourne I ballooned 20kgs! That was a quite a shock, but I'm happy to say that I'm now more than half way to losing the weight that I found in Melbourne...but that's another story...

The point of this post is that moving back to the Gold Coast, after you've grown up here makes you realise what a SMALL place it really is. Sure you bump into people in Melbourne but no where near as often. So far I've run into about 20 people that I know. And it's both been great and not so great running into them, but the reality is we are all different people - if you think about when you were in Primary School how much it mattered that you weren't having Tuckshop and ALL your friends were - or that your sports shoes weren't the latest Nike's around - it was like the world was going to end. But now that we're 'all grown up' these HUGE things really are insignificant.

Anyway, I'm really off topic now - what I wanted to say was - a friend of mine from Primary School wrote me an email in response to a recent post - and it was really insightful. It made me stop and think and really listen - afterall I hadn't seen her for a decade and a half - how could she have this insight? I was perplexed but so pleasantly surprised at the same time.

So don't discount what anyone says to you. It may be just what you need to hear at that time in your life. Like Sarah Wilson says - (www.sarahwilson.com.au) - you have to listen to what the world is saying to you - the world sends you messages - and it's up to us to listen and action. Sarah is a big believer in 3's - if she hears something three times then she does something about it - as hard as that may be! I on the other hand have been known to ignore the world sending me messages until they come up and smack me right in the face!

I know that was a whole lot of jumble words but hopefully there is some meaning in it for someone - even if you haven't read my blog before - maybe, just maybe that will be what you needed to hear...

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

August is here...there are no rules!

I was reading a post on www.reasonstodatecourtneybeck.tumblr.com and she has decided that in August, there are no rules. You see, she is a gorgeous girl living in this beautiful world who can't seem to find someone to date and has set up this blog to help - it really is a great read!

So in August, there are no rules. No thinking about texting if you want to text, or calling if you want to call or even showing up on someone's door step with a mix tape in hand declaring your love for them - it's simple - in August, if you want to do it, then do it.

I actually think this would be a great way for us to live our life everyday, but we get so worried about what others may think or what they may say that we stop and cower in the corner of life and don't step out of our comfort zone. If we don't follow our hearts/guts/instincts then what have we got? Living in fear is no way to live.

So I'm embracing NO RULES AUGUST. And to be honest, I can't wait. I'm not going to let anything stop me. Look out....

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Take a chance this week...

Today's Sunday. I know, not a huge newsflash, but for some it is considered the beginning of the week. For me, it's what I like to call the end of the week that was and the opportunity to look forward into the week that is to come. That's actually what I say to people when on a Sunday they ask me what day it is...haha.

But in all seriousness, whether you think Sunday or Monday is the start of the week, my challenge for myself this week is to take a chance. Taking a chance on something that I wouldn't normally. I'm not sure what that is going to be just yet, but I'll make sure that it is something that truly challenges me.

Maybe it'll be a chance on love. Maybe it will be a chance on a friendship. Maybe it will be a chance on myself.

Can't wait to take that step, into the unknown and see what happens. Life is about living and what is living if we don't push ourselves that little bit further....so, here we go....